

商业的产生本是为了创造幸福的,而不是积累财富。太多所谓的“成功”人士完全把生意本身作为终点或者目标。他们视财富的增值和生意的扩展为生命的全部和终 极追求。这些人有时会陷入一种狂热和躁动的快乐,就像被放进氧气管的蚊虫,兴奋不已,直到生命能量耗尽。然而他们却没有时间来体会生活中的宁静、美好和更 深的喜悦。他们太沉迷于物质,以至于无法享受那种脱离了物质形态的、无形的、理想的、精神层面的内容——静思、自省、沉思、平衡、内心快乐、家庭美满。如果一个人牺牲了自己的本性中美好的一面和自己高贵的品格,就算是获取了难以计数的财富又有什么益处呢?纯 粹的获取不是生活。
                                                    ——1917年9月15日 《福布斯》

摘自 将那些繁琐和烦恼转变为平和快乐
These days , I feel a little fret
I try to tell myself,Don't fret, everything will be all right.
But it just doesn't make any sense.
It's a very hard,I have been sitting around for a couple of months.
why? Becouse My dad want me to get a good job , In another words,begging for a good job ,I abhor to beg somebody for something; And he thinks I'm a talentless man……
These days , I only contact with two friends,and face the computer everyday,I didn't do any physical exercise,although I knew it will make me sick. I just , I don't know ,I hope these days will over ASAP,I want a normal life.
I'm a man that have no idea of mine own.

10 条评论

  1. Come on! Buddy.
    Dont feel blue. Tough days will pass by. I am enjoying the same experience with your. I have ran out of all the deposit earned one year before, because I have failed in the national master entrance test which cost me a lot of money.
    Anyway, you are lucky enough since you have a full family who will support you when it's necessary. I have no person helping me when I am in despair.
    These days, I also dont want to contact any buddies. All i did was telling strangers my exact feeling in the blog. As a matter of fact, I have two blog. One is sina blog, the other one is sohu blog. And the former one is open to all my buddies in the real life. The latter one is only available for buddies in the net. http://legendary-gypsy.blog.sohu.com. You are welcome to visit there. hah I dont want to be noticed of my tough situation by my buddies around me. So I create my sohu blog.
    Only in this way can i release my tense feeling recently.

  2. opps, Jesus~
    You reply with English,surprise me ~
    I will add Ur Blog address to the firendslink~
    I'm used to showing my weakness to someone far away form me.

  3. Also if you mind not, I would like to ask my buddies to share the tough or happy experience with you. Your blog link will be seen in my sina blog. hah
    Unfortunately, your blog is not the sohu blog, so it's really a pity for my buddies in sohu blog having no opportunity to appreciate the photographes and sincere words of yours.
    Come on! Dont be depressed. Both of us will make fortune in the near future, even though life's unbearable tough these days.

  4. I don't mind,I will upload more photos to my Gallery
    you can sent the url of my Gallery to your Buddies ~
    We need a break, to just simply be relax and enjoy the sunshine and blue sky

  5. OMG.
    So many naked beauties in the gallery make me feel a little excited. Let me control myself in advance.
    I have linked the address in my sohu blog and made a simple advertisement for the gallery.

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