
Men's Waterproof PreciseFit™ Outlier Refined Moc Toe Oxford Black
Men's Waterproof PreciseFit™ Outlier Refined Moc Toe Oxford Black
No two feet are alike. Not even your own. These stylish shoes feature our new PreciseFit™ technology (recently recognized by BusinessWeek magazine for design innovation). They fit your foot's individual size and width - including half-sizes, narrow and wide - even if your left foot is different from your right. So whether you're hiking or walking around town, the correct fit keeps both of your feet feeling comfortable. Imported.
Premium waterproof leather for refined performance and contemporary styling
Seam-sealed construction prevents water from seeping in through stitching, to keep feet dry and comfortable
Leather lining is breathable and durable for long-lasting comfort
PreciseFit™ technology provides the perfect fit for individual foot sizes and widths with inserts of different thickness
Smart Comfort® technology: Every part of the shoe--from the upper to the sole--is engineered to deliver constant, all-day comfort all around the foot
A light, durable midsole made of EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) provides lightweight comfort and shock absorption
Unique hex-flex pattern outsole made of high-gripping rubber for multi-surface traction
Airport-friendly nylon shank provides support, stability, shock dispersion and will not set off airport detectors
如果是你的脚型是瘦长的那种,就不要把鞋垫拆开;如果是类似我这种肥大脚掌,去掉一层,非常的舒服,完全不会有平时穿针对欧美人所设计的鞋款中那种夹脚的感觉,而且厚实的鞋垫也提供了很好的减震缓冲功能,走路很舒服,这个也就是Timberland这双鞋子这个系列的标榜技术PreciseFit~;不足就是由于是防水设计,又没有使用Gore-Tex之类的材料,透气性能稍差,不过我这个体验不是跟一般皮鞋对比,是跟我之前带有Gore-Tex XCR面料设计的徒步鞋对比…… 防水方面还没机会测试,嘿嘿,总的来说,是双好鞋~!
Gore-Tex XCR® Fabric:
This maximum performance waterproof/breathable membrane is designed for an extended comfort range-and extended adventures. No matter how intense the activity, perspiration vapor will travel through the membrane, virtually elimination all sweat buildup.
Guaranteed Waterproof
When a boot or shoe is Timberland guaranteed waterproof, it means that water cannot get in. Timberland uses premium waterproof leathers with waterproof properties that become part of the leather during the tanning process. The footwear also has either latex-sealed seams or an internal waterproof breathable membrane to help your feet stay dry when it's wet outside.
Airport Friendly Nylon Shank
The Airport Friendly Nylon Shank provides support, stability and shock dispersion and will not set off airport detectors.
Smart Comfort® System
Timberland® shoes with the Smart Comfort® system technology are built for days when rest isn’t on the agenda. They are built to deliver everyday comfort; in every part of the shoe – from the upper to the outsole – everywhere the shoe touches the foot. So, from home to work, to late night dinner and then back home again, the Smart Comfort® system provides non-stop comfort to those with non-stop lifestyles. The components that make this comfort possible are:
·Zoned Force Distribution Footbed - spreads the force of impact by creating a pressure-free zone, regardless of whether you are walking or standing
·Shock Absorbing Construction - the chassis (footbed), midsole and outsole are all designed to reduce shock which helps to eliminate fatigue in the legs and the feet
The Timberland PreciseFit ™ system is designed to give you the perfect fit. Each pair of PreciseFit™ shoes comes with a system of different thickness footbed inserts that lock onto a removable footbed, allowing you to customize the internal volume for each of your feet. Each pair of shoes creates Narrow, Medium, and Wide fits covering both whole- and half-sizes (e.g. 9 NMW – 9 ½ NMW).
Articulated Vibram® outsole
·Medium-soft compound for superior traction in rock-based environments; durable enough for the approach.
·Zoned for flexibility and independent lug deflection

Timberland(天伯伦)公司的信条是,以卓越的创造,设计出全世界最具创新的产品。这家成立于1918年的美国波士顿的公司创业初期是一家专业制鞋公司。1955年,公司的创立者Nathan Swartz 收购了Abington制鞋公司,并在以后的10年成长为全美最成功的鞋业公司。60年代,他们采取独特的制鞋技术,生产出世界上第一双鞋底和鞋面无需缝线的鞋,鞋底和鞋帮的完全铸合,造就了真正意义上的防水鞋。
1973年,公司改名为timberland,名字源于他们制造的最受欢迎的一款防水靴的品牌。1978至1979年,timberland开始生产休闲鞋和船鞋,结束了其单一生产靴子的历史。从80年代起,timberland逐渐成长为一家国际品牌,并开始生产服装,女鞋,背包等,并创建了广受赞誉的timberland PRO工作系列鞋。
经过近30年的努力,TIMBERLAND已遍及世界90多个国家, TIMBERLAND制作的鞋无论是在设计,质量,坚固实用还是功能性方面堪称世界一流 。
TIMBERLAND 生产包括服装,鞋类,雨具,手表等户外休闲产品。它号召人们走出自己的小天地,充分享受大自然。他的产品全面体现了革新设计,坚固耐用,功能性强等特点。同时也体现了年轻,活泼,粗犷,结实,实用等特色。
TIMBERLAND的使命是“装备你的人生旅程,并在你的世界里创造非凡。”TIMBERLAND在全球不乏追随者。在美国就有Puff Daddy,Will Smith,Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston...更有一位hip hop歌星称自己为Timbaland。
纯美式风格的Timberland是美国顶级的休闲鞋品牌,其风格可以让你明显感受到美国西部的拓荒者精神。所以不管是衣服或是鞋子、配件等,都是以舒适、耐穿 、耐用为优先考虑。
Timberland,它既 outdoor又都市,在各种年龄层也都有市场,不过基本上是一个非常男性化的品牌。该公司于1960年代首度推出“伐木工人鞋”,广受欢迎。1973 年正式采用 Timberland 的名称。目前 Timberland集团资本额超过10亿美元,产品也从鞋类扩大到成衣、手表、眼镜及其他授权代理的配件。
在公司主打的“outdoor”概念方面,Timberland 强调 outdoor 就是指大自然辽阔的空间,不论是陆地、天空、水面或海底。 Timberland 的 Outdoor 产品诉求的是人在自然中追寻的身心欢愉,而不是可以度量的运动表现。因此对于极端型运动的相关产品,Timberland持保留态度。
形象阳刚的Timberland也开始注意女性市场。目前女鞋已占鞋类总营业额的12%,今年九月还将在其自营店、加盟店及合伙经营店推出第一个女装系列。该系列由法国设计师设计,并在意大利进行TETES DE SERIE。如果今年市场反应良好,2002年秋冬还会扩大系列产品内容,并增加经销点。另外,未来 Timberland还可能考虑开发童装市场。
Timberland的企业历史可源于1918年。其创始人Nathan Swartz于1955年创收购了Abington制鞋公司,并在以后的10年成长为全美最成功的鞋业公司。1965年,Swartz家族为制鞋业引入注塑制造技术。这项革命性科技无须采用缝线,能够将鞋底与皮革完全粘合起来,制造出真正意义上的防水皮靴。1973年,Swartz家族创立“Timberland”品牌,并成功生产首对以Timberlanda品牌为名的防水工作鞋。
Timberland原创的黄色皮靴最初由人手制造,在工厂内有专人负责剪裁、缝合、盖印、涂抹防水溶剂等制鞋工艺。如今,Timberland的皮靴已经以机器辅助生产,但仍保留原创皮靴的很多特点,包括使用注塑技术以及选用优质皮料等,并依旧展现卓越的工艺品质-防水、坚韧和耐穿。为了令顾客能够穿著更贴服舒适的鞋履,Timberland不断精益求精,先后研制出各种先进的制鞋技术,包括Active Comfort Technology?(ACT?)系统和B.S.F.P.TM(制动、承托、收缩、推动)活动效能系统等。这些系统既能为双脚提供理想的保护作用,同时也能增强双脚的活动能力。
时至今日,Timberland的名字已经在市场上屹立了将近30年。如今,Timberland的每一项鞋类、服饰或户外装备产品,依然以精细工艺悉心制造,产品细节一丝不苟,而且坚固耐用,功能性强;再加上体贴、新颖的设计,Timberland产品让人们尽情显现个人风格,因此获得了世界各地用家的一致推崇:美国著名流行歌手Mariah Carey和 Whitney Houston非常钟爱Timberland品牌;国际巨星周润发先生是该品牌的拥趸,他自拍摄第一部电影《阿郎的故事》始就与Timberland结下渊源;香港著名影星任达华、当红歌手李克勤以及影视红星古天乐等都一直追随该品牌;在亚洲,Timberland去年更被评为“日本最佳男士休闲品牌”。
Timberland(纽约证交所股票代号:TBL)主力为享受户外活动人士设计、制造及推广优质鞋履、服装及配饰,其行业地位已达世界顶级。Timberland产品不单手工精湛,其人性化设计亦能照顾不同顾客需要,为他们抵御来自大自然的各种考验。Timberland产品除于著名百货公司及专门店发售外,分销点亦包括本身于北美、欧洲、亚洲、南非、拉丁美洲及中东等地设立的门市。集团透过其独有的「Path of Service」计画,让其「doing well and doing good」的牢固理念,得以在美国本土以至全球市场彻底发挥。所有Timberland的员工、顾客及服务伙伴,亦可藉此缔结彼此力量,合作改善大家身处的生活社会环境。


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